Daum Nancy Lamp Values
All things equal, the best Daum Nancy lamp and the best Daum Nancy vase will likely have similar values. Unfortunately though, there is a general misconception that all Daum lamps are extremely valuable. That simply is not the case. The majority of lamps can be bought for right around $5,000. With that said, there are a few Daum lamps that can be worth as much as $20,000. Read below to learn more about which lamps are common and which lamps are worth a lot of money.
How Rare Are Daum Nancy Lamps?
Daum lamps actually are rather scarce. They were made in limited quantities compared to other art glass. Lamps have also always been victims of breakage. Lamps generally break more because they are out in the open in homes and they just get knocked over. In the modern world we are losing a lot of antique lamps due to poor packaging and shipping. So lamps probably only exist 1 to 20 when compared to vases. Just keep in mind that rarity isn’t always the driving factor of value.
Specific Value Examples
The picture above shows the three main shade styles found on Daum Nancy lamps that we see on a regular basis. Of course the pattern and scene could be different. Most worthwhile Daum lamps will have a general shape to what we are showing above.
-The lamp on the left is definitely the rarest of those three. Lamps with a shade shape like that are very desirable and are worth anywhere from $10,ooo to $20,000.
-The lamps at center and at right are wildcards. We are showing two winter scene lamps that are acid etched and enameled. They are worth in the $8,000 to $12,000 range. The same shade shape was also used on more common lamps that regularly sell for $4,000 to $6,000. Those lamps won’t have any enameling. Some lamps with more popular scenes can be worth more than $12,000. However, lamps like that are rarely encountered.
A Few Things To Consider
1) Daum Nancy lamps are absolutely being reproduced. Some reproductions are actually very deceiving. If you see a Daum lamp out in the wild, there is a decent chance that it is a fake. Our fake guide has more general information.
2) Please also remember that condition is very important. Shades can easily get chipped while sitting on the metal arms. Chipping, even though common, is still going to lower the value of a lamp.
3) Rewiring is not something that is going to lower the value much. However, replacement hardware should be considered and it can affect what a buyer is willing to pay, especially if the lamp is on the common side.
4) A single shade or a single base is not worth 50% of what a complete lamp is worth. In fact, I would say just a base is probably worth only 10% of a complete lamp. A lone shade might be worth as much as 40% of a complete lamp, but usually less. If you are doing the math in your head, then yes, you could buy bases and shades separately, put them together, and make a nice profit.
Get A Free Appraisal
I am very interested in seeing Daum Nancy lamps. I happily provide free value opinions. And if you have a vase I like then I can also make an offer. Just email me with pictures. Info@DaumNancy.com